Wavy Hair Care! All Things To Know About Your Healthy Crown

Wavy Hair Care! All Things To Know About Your Healthy Crown

Hair comes from various types and models, thus highlighting the fact that every person will have or need a different routine. Among many is the beautiful wavy hair, which appears glorious with its waves and volume. Many say that this kind of hair has low maintenance, but sure it needs particular care. What is the best wavy hair care? Here are things you should underline for your routine.

Know Your Hair Wave Types and its Nature

The look of wavy hair might slightly mistake for the curly lock. In the professional spectrum, wavy hair is type 2 hair type with the shape of an S and appears between curly and straight. Wavy locks come as it has various textures and intensities. People put it on the wave types or subcategories, but it can also highlight the different problems or issues each type can face.

1. Type 2A

Type 2A is the hair that has fine and thin individual S forming hair strands when dry. In this case, the wavy tends to be looser and has gentler curves. The concern is on the grease and oil since the loose S curve can reach the end of the hair. But at the same time, it is easier to curl or straighten. It is the best in terms of wavy hair care.

2. Type 2B

Type 2B has more waves and is frizzier compared to the previous type. When it is dry, the individual strands will shape S but has slight frizz on them. As the looks may say, this type has the most common problem of dryness. Frizz will be the next thing one should consider in its care, even though it has majestical look.  

3. Type 2C

Type 2C is the thicker wavy hair, which can be seen from the start of the scalp. Its thick condition is the most problematic hair due to its nature of having more frizz. However, it can naturally shape S when dry. As the result, the biggest issue or concern is how it can has weighed down waves.

Things to Consider About the Routine

1. Learn and Develop Your Wash Routine

Considering how each wavy hair type has its specific problems, you should learn about the proper wash routine as the first wavy hair care. Wave and slightly curly hair have the biggest chance of catching dirt, oil, and frizz. It is not only about how much you should wash every week, but also about how you do the washing routine by itself.

The first thing to do in the wash routine is to use a cleanser to get rid of the dirt and buildup on the hair. Do it gently to avoid damaging your either natural or made waves. If you are over-conscious about the curl type, you can always pick shampoo or medium made for your hair type. In many cases, you only need to use it once a week or so just to give the waves a quick reboot. 

2. Conditioner Specifically for Wavy Hair

There is something special about conditioning wavy hair. The first routine you should do is clumping the hair. It is done as you add the conditioner by flipping the hair upside down and squishing it in a cupped palm closer to your scallop. In this wavy hair care, squeeze it gently as needed (not till it dries). Leave it a bit wet before you make a clump.

After you get out of the shower and conditioned it, you will see the hair forming clumps. This is what you are looking for to shape the hair into a perfect wave. The clumps will help define the waves and curls. As it is a bit wet, you can add hair products to help define the hair shapes or volume. But keep it as necessary.

The next step is scrunching your hair. After applying some products, flip your hair upside down again and tilt your head side a bit. As you do so, you can add the previous products to help create better waves. You only need to use your palm and finger, lift the hair and squeeze it gently. Do it until it dries or does another scrunch before releasing the lock.

3. Drying Method

Wavy Hair Care! All Things To Know About Your Healthy Crown

The next wavy hair care is to be careful during the drying process. Many curls and coils need to have less heat styling. In other words, opt for air drying. It is because using heat can increase the risk of frizz and damage the curl. If you can, try a diffuser. It has a better function for the wavy and slightly curly lock. But again, only use the options when you need quick drying.

The best option you should consider is Air Drying. It is always the solution to develop natural-looking waves. If you want to help the process and keep the curl at its natural look, try to do the scrunch once again. You can use a cotton T-shirt, which can give a great malleable shape. As it is dried, you also need to scrunch the strands again to get rid of any product or gel coating.

4. Styling and Defining the Hair

You got many options to style and define the hair curls. Some people start to use iron waves, braids, hair clips, the beachy method, headbands or use pineapple method. Each comes with its difficulty to keep up and avoid damage. At some point, the solution is simply clipping individual clumps or waves at the root so it will be standing straight up.

But if you are using the product, always try to keep it simple. Your wavy hair care should be as needed or use the product to enhance the natural waves. You can also use a wide tooth comb or finger to detangle wet hair. Keep in mind to do everything gently and pay attention to moisture to reduce damage or frizz.

A beautiful wavy mane does not come without any effort. One should do some basic care to ensure the hair appears and grow beautifully plus healthily. Natural waves come in varying types, which also need different care. The key is the balance of proper wash, conditioning, drying, and styling. It is not only for natural waves, people who are starting the hairstyle can also do the same.

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