Dandruff, white flakes, or whatever it is called can happen to everyone. It is natural, but can also happen due to several environmental or personal hygiene factors. As much as dandruff is unfixable, the condition is considered controllable. The key is to understand the severe dandruff causes and pick the best remedy. Here is the key information.
Some Reasons for Dandruff Causes Can Happen To Everyone!
1. Yeast overgrowth
Scalp flakes are pretty common for people, no matter the type of condition. It is because of the function of Malassezia, a fungus that lives on the scalp and the skin. While it is a common condition, some people with the over-sensitive condition can result in dandruff. A condition where the flakes happen more than the normal amount.
The condition can be seen as following the skin condition of seborrheic dermatitis is aggravated by Malassezia. The condition includes psoriasis or dermatitis, which can worsen normal dandruff to severe flaking. The best remedy for this condition should be doctor-prescribed medication, specific over-the-counter shampoo, and a good skincare routine.
2. Not shampooing enough
One of the severe dandruff causes is personal hygiene. Naturally, oil and dirt can build up on the scalp. The accumulation later aggravates the fungus and makes the flaking worse. It is also the reason why people with oily scalps need to shampoo more than others. But you can take it further by picking the strong and properly designed shampoo for your skin condition.
3. Allergic reaction
Allergic reactions come and appear in different kinds of actions. It is also a great consideration since allergies can cover various allergens. And one of the reactions of the allergy can appear as flakes. In many cases, the allergic reaction related to scalp flakes mostly appears with a sense of itchiness and soreness. It can happen in many ways.
That is why to fix this one of many severe dandruff causes is to notice what kind of product trigger the scallop irritation. Itchiness and soreness will be the next thing to blame if the condition keeps on happening. If so, the solution is to stop using the product. Or if you want clearer information, process to talk with the doctor.
4. Dry skin
As much as oil accumulation can cause dandruff, dry skin can also cause flakes. Most indicate that dry skin is not the real reason for the flaking, but it can make the flaking happen since dead skins appear more common. It mostly happens during cold months or the hot season. You will need to use moisturizer.
5. Medical condition

In many cases, the worst ever possible cause is Seborrheic dermatitis. It is a chronic medical condition that only happens on the scalp or other skin where the oil glands are located. The condition comes as it comes with redness, which resembles eczema or psoriasis. If this is your severe dandruff cause, talk to a doctor to get the proper medication.
In general, you can say that dandruff is normal and can happen to everyone. It is because the Malassezia or fungus lives on the scalp or skin by eating the dead skin. But when the oil production is worsened which can happen for many other reasons, the natural fungus might overdo its work. Thus, creating severe dandruff. Nothing is bad, but still, keep your hair and scalp healthy.