How To Get Rid Of Period Acne? The Cause And Guide To Deal With It!

How To Get Rid Of Period Acne? The Cause And Guide To Deal With It!

Many things come following menstruation. From stomach cramps to period acne, girls know the struggles. But then, among the most annoying reoccurrence problems is period acne. It is not only painful but also hard enough to deal with. The question is how to get rid of period acne. Is it even possible to begin with? Check out the following details.

Is It Period Acne? How Do You Know?

Acne, pimples, and similar skin problems can happen whenever they want to break out. So, how do you know that your acne is part of your period? One thing that you may want to underline is the chance of period acne forming as painful papules or cysts. How can it be? The main reasons mostly come from the cause of hormonal fluctuation.

Some pimples and acne during this time are known to be more painful compared to the common blackheads or whiteheads. In some cases, the acnes are just there. They don’t develop any head or that reddish pimple. It is a thing that hormonal fluctuation does to your skin, which many women use as an old way to track the menstrual cycle.

The Cause of Period Pimples

As said before, one of the ways acne blooms during the menstrual cycle is due to hormone level instability. It happens mostly some days before the period date when the progesterone falls and the estrogen or female hormone level rises a lot. It affects the oil production in women’s bodies, which can clog pores and increase the chance of acne breaking out.

But why do hormones fluctuate and develop pimples? What does it do to your condition? Before finding out how to get rid of period acne, understand that hormone fluctuation is part of your period process. It can lead to skin inflammation and trigger sebaceous gland activity, which aggravate acne symptom.

So, getting rid of the acne does not work simply by removing or stopping the hormone fluctuation. The only thing that comes close to the idea is to use a birth control pill or contraceptive pill that help control your hormone. Normal growing women can expect some period problems, such as mood changes, abdominal pain, acne, headache, breast pain, and lower back pain.

Preventing the Breakouts Before Your Period

1. Overall Health Maintenance (Stress, Sleep, And Diet)

It is hard enough to maintain the cramp and the acne makes it worse. Any of the menstrual problems can sway your mood and add stress, which worsens your acne problem. With that, consider taking care of your health from stress, lack of sleep, and bad diet. Start reducing your stress as it can affect hormone balance and the immune system.

While it is impossible to banish the stress, at least you can get some rest, enough sleep, and recreation. Make yourself happy from time to time. Again, how to get rid of period acne? You can always start by fixing your sleep schedule to maintain your acne problem. Then, check out your diet. Eat healthy, get more plants, and limit sugar, alcohol, and processed food.

2. Using Oral Contraceptive

You can control your hormone fluctuation a bit by using a contraceptive. But again, this is not an easy fix. You may have to consume birth control for a few months to see the improvement. This is a great solution to fight cramps, acne, and other symptoms. And yes, there are FDA-approved oral contraceptives as part of acne treatment medication.

3. Uses Noncomedogenic Face Product

When it is hard to prevent, at least you can try to lessen the chance by avoiding the trigger. Some acne happens due to topical products, such as cosmetics and skincare. But, it is always good to check out the non-comedogenic products that are meant to avoid pores clogging. It is a small gesture to learn and try, especially for acne-prone skin.

Getting Rid of The Pesky Acne

1. Stop Picking the Pimples!

How to get rid of period acne? Start by not picking those pimples! It sounds simple and easy, but truthfully avoiding scratching them is a bit difficult. The urge is even worse when you have to fight the itchy acne type. Another thing that makes this hard to do, is how the period pimples are mostly deep inside and harder or less pick-able.

So, if you insist on picking the pimples, you may end up with further skin inflammation. Worst case, the scars will stay for a long and make a mark for every recurring menstruation cycle. The best thing to avoid picking that pimple is to use pimple patches with hydrocolloids. At least you can keep them safe and clean from your bacteria-covered finger!          

2. Get Warm or Cold Compress

How To Get Rid Of Period Acne? The Cause And Guide To Deal With It!

A small home remedy such as a warm or cold compress may help the urge to pick up the pimple. Or, at least it can help cool down the inflamed acne or reduce the swelling. Which one to choose? Why not both? The warm compress is good for draining out pus and dealing with the swell. The compress helps reduce pain and swelling as well. You can try for 10 minutes every day.

3. Use Topical Remedies (Benzoyl Peroxide, Retinoids, Salicylic Acid)

Similar to other acne treatments, try topical remedies that have some powerful ingredients. Benzoyl peroxide works as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial formula. Retinoid is the vitamin A that is meant to treat mild to moderate acne, but be sure your skin can handle it! Salicylic acid is pretty common for its anti-inflammatory and peeling agent, which reduces acne symptoms.

4. Use Gentler Skincare and Soothe It with Centella Asiatica

Along with some other prevention and answers on how to get rid of period acne, don’t forget to keep everything gentle. The last thing you want during this hard time is to aggravate the sensitive skin (and mood). So be gentle with your skin by using a noncomedogenic cleaner, Centella Asiatica to soothe your inflamed skin, and avoid scrubbing. And then be patient!  Considering the pain and excruciating state of menstruation, it can get worse with the occurring acnes. But thank god, you can try to lessen the chance of having acne by maintaining your overall health or contraceptives. Banishing can be difficult. But at least, you can use some calming acne products similar to normal acne. Good luck girls!

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