
Eyeliner Color For Blue Eyes To Make It Pop!

What Color Eyeliner is Best for Blue Eyes? Read This 7 Recommended Eyeliner Color to Try on

When it comes to blue eyes, a good touch-up with eye makeup can make it pop up and more attractive. But what exactly is the best color that complements those clear blue eyes? If you are going to flatter it using eyeliner, be sure to pick the proper hues to avoid toning down your iris’s color. What are they? Check out the following recommendation for eyeliner color for blue eyes!

What Color Eyeliner is Best for Blue Eyes? Read This 7 Recommended Eyeliner Color to Try on

Black – For the Classic Look  

Black eyeliner is the basic, something that you can pick as the safest option possible. Why so? Because black is a neutral color, which is always able to complement and blend with any color. In the case of blue eyes, striking black eyeliner is the key to getting those sharp-looking eyes. It appears as a charmer, catching your eyes, and highlighting your clear blue eyes.

Another reason for using black liner is due to its versatility. If you want to look fancy, use the eyeliner to shape a subtle cat eye with a winged liner. This idea will make a dramatic appeal while also keeping the eyes looking dreamy with a definite dimension. In one way or another, black eyeliner will work best for simple eye makeup.

Grey Eyeliner – Help Enhance the Gray Flecks

Light gray or silver are two eyeliner colors that befit your bright clear blue eyes. Won’t it tune down your eye’s appeal? Surprisingly enough, good gray and silver tones are capable of making the eyes appear brighter. But, it can be a bit tricky to apply. Because this eyeliner color for blue eyes will be less visible compared to many other options.

So, how do you use the color? If you are up for the challenge of grey eyeliner, then try to combine it with similar eyeshadow color. This combination will help accentuate the slight icy blue and steel blue flecks in your eyes. Naturally, you can use these two colors. Especially if you use a bit of shaping and eyeshadow as well.

Copper – Contrasting the Color Wheel

Metallic hues, such as copper are probably a contrasting color to choose. But when you properly line it up and apply it, the eyeliner will accentuate your beautiful blue eyes. But why a contrasting color? if you look at the color theory or color wheel, blue works better with its contrasting color (orange, yellow, or anything with its base).

Copper is one of the options. The shade not only has a regal look but also an attractive styling for eye makeup. What is the effect of this eyeliner color on blue eyes? if you consider the copper, try to balance it with your eyes. Check out the opposite color. The trick is, to find the opposite color and apply the copper to make the eyes appear bluer by choosing different shades.   

Nude – To Make Your Eyes Even Bigger and Brighter

Yes, Nude color has been hyped in recent years. While your eyes are clear and bright enough to charm people, adding nude eyeliner might add a charming point. How so? The idea of using nude color is to highlight your eyes and make the eyes appear bigger plus brighter. The nude shades do not cancel out the bright blue eyes, instead, they complement it.

Make It Pop! The Best Eyeliner Color For Blue Eyes To Try On

In this case, you may have to trace the eyeliner along the waterline. Make it light and illuminate the shade using a bright nude color. This technique will create an illusion of more open eyes. At the same time, the toned-down eyeliner will make the eyes appear more saturated. It works with any blue irises. That is why it is a recommended eyeliner color for blue eyes.

Earth Tone – Keep It Warm and Natural

Similar to copper shades, earth tone is the best color for your blue eyes. It is another complementary color, which keeps your eyes bold and clear. What does it make? In general, the hues will be a good choice to make your blue eyes even brighter and clearer. But at the same time, the application makes a sense of warm and natural complexion.

What are earth tones you need to try? For a starter, you can get copper. But if you are going for more hues, try anything from russet brown, muted mustard, bright yellow, or many other similar colors. You can even consider a shimmery or matte finish.  Just be sure, you are not doing too much.

Red Undertone – To Make the Dreamy Look

Along with yellow or earth tones, you also have red undertones as the best eyeliner color for blue eyes. While it is not directly the opposite of the color wheel, blue and red give a clear contrast. But, it does not necessarily mean the real red-red. Something like blood red or burgundy. You may have to blend it with a yellow undertone.

It means you can get that orangey look or hues to complement the blue eyes. For some recommendation, you can check out something like burgundy, cranberry, champagne, raspberry, plum, amethyst purple, or anything that enhance your blue eyes. For more dramatic looks, you can go further to orange. It is almost like a warm earth tone but with more contrast to highlight.

Dark Blue – Highlight Your Eyes

Blue and blue might sound stupid. But it is possible if you are going for unique and highlight to your eye makeup. Looking for inspiration? Maybe you need to check out a picture of the old beauty Princess Diana. She made her blue eyes stand out, pop out, and clear by wearing dark blue eyeliner.

The small touch of blue in the waterline highlights and directs people’s attention to her eyes. It not only complements her eyes but also makes a brighter complexion. If you are ready for eclectic looks and unique styling, this is the eyeliner color for blue eyes to try out. You can pick something like navy blue, royal blue, deep sea shade, or midnight hues to try out.

In one way or another, blue eyes can flatter and complement various colors. It works with the basic or the brighter color to keep it astounding to look at. The key is to keep your eyes on the style and occasion. You can always try different colors and make unique combinations as blue eyes can keep up any eyeliner color. Nothing to lose! Just be confident and try it!

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