5 Different Types of Acne Scars and How To Treat Them

5 Different Types of Acne Scars and How To Treat Them

Having good and clear skin is probably everyone’s dream, especially for women. Sadly, there are various problems on the skin that can affect our physical appearance and even our psychological. One of the skin problems that everyone has experienced is acne. Acne often leaves scars that are sometimes difficult to omit. These are 5 different types of acne scars you may want to know.

5 Types of Acne Scars and What’s the Difference?

1. Hyperpigmentation

Actually, hyperpigmentation is not one type of scar. Hyperpigmentation is a discoloration of different colors on the skin, from pink to red to tan or brown. Hyperpigmentation usually shows because of the healing process after inflammation, known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).

Technically, hyperpigmentation will fade and disappear over time. But, if you want to treat it quickly, there are some skincare ingredients that are perfect for treating these scars. You can use skincare products with salicylic acid, retinol, or glycolic acid. Make sure to wear non-comedogenic sunscreen daily while treating hyperpigmentation.

2. Keloid Scars

The second different types of acne scars is keloid scar. Keloid is a mound caused by heal process by the body because of post-inflammation, and the body produces extra cells. This type of scar looks like bumpy or puffy raised scars, and usually, it looks discolored. It is often affected by all skin types.

Although it tends to affect all skin types, darker people have a big risk of having these keloid scars. This type of scar is more challenging to treat than other acne scars because sometimes they come back. Some ways you can try to cure keloid scars are cortisone shots, lasers, and retinoids.

3. Icepick Scars

Icepick scars are a skin problem when your skin loses collagen and leaves a reduction that looks like a hole. It seems like a deep hole, like someone has taken a tiny needle in the skin. To cure this type of acne scar, you must do chemical peels, punch grafting, or punch excision.

4. Rolling Scars

5 Different Types of Acne Scars and How To Treat Them

The following different type of acne scars is rolling scars. This type of acne scar looks like a wave. These acne scars usually occur because of natural aging; the skin loses its natural elasticity and tightness. There are some ways to cure this type of acne scars, such as micro-needling, subcision, and lasers. These acne scars are commonly found in men.

5. Boxcar Scars

The last type of acne scars is boxcar scars. When you experience inflammatory acne, boxcar scars commonly show on the skin aftermath. It tends to be shallow, but the wounds have sharper edges. They don’t look like the rounder, softer edges of rolling scars mentioned before.

This type of acne scar looks like a round or oval sharp holes with sharp vertical edges. It affects people who have inflammatory and cystic acne. There is some method you can get from the dermatologist to treat this kind of acne scars, such as punch excisions, dermabrasion, or even fillers.

Acne may frustrate people because it can mess up our whole presence. But acne is normal, so you don’t have to overthink it and be insecure because of having one. Instead, you can find out the different types of acne scars first and then try to treat them patiently.

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