Acne Treatments, Causes, Tips and Tricks For Dealing With Acne

Acne Treatments, Causes, Tips and Tricks For Dealing With Acne

Many people must be struggling with acne problems. At some point, it can be so painful to touch and bring damage to the skin. Overcome acne problems, there are a lot of various acne treatments. Before going deeper into the treatment recommendations, people should know the causes of acne problems, the treatments, tips, and tricks.

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What Causes Acne?

The most common cause of acne is because of a change in hormones. It might be because of puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, stress, or anything else. However, people of any age are possible to have acne problems. Besides that, in some cases, acne problems are genetic in the family. People should pay attention to their skin to avoid these problems.

The range of age people with acne problems varies, this problem is common for teenagers or young adults. Based on the data, almost ninety-five percent of people in the age range of eleven to thirty have acne problems. For girls, it usually starts at fourteen and boys at sixteen. Most of them have acne problems on and off for years before the symptoms improve as they grow.

Related to hormonal changes, some particular hormones encourage the production of glands beside the hair follicle on the skin. Then, it continues producing extra amounts of oil (abnormal sebum), which makes the acne bacteria aggressive and causes pus and inflammation. And that is how acne appears on the skin and needs acne treatments.

Besides that, hormonal changes also affect the hair follicle’s inner lining. It blocks the pore of the skin and brings acne. In this case, cleaning the skin can overcome the blockage. Furthermore, there is some spot on the skin that commonly acne appears such as the face (most people have acne on their face), back (half of the people with this problem usually have acne on their back), and chest (fifteen percent of people with acne problems).

Treatments for Acne Problems

Treatment for acne problems depends on how severe it is. However, there are six main types the acne form on the face including blackhead (small yellowish or black bumps), whitehead (same as blackhead but firmer), papules (small red bumps), pustules (same as papules but have a white tip in the center), nodules (large hard lump), and cysts (large pus-filled lumps).

From those six main spots of acne on the face, people can find which kind of acne they have and what they should do. Because treating acne depends on which kind of acne. Although acne can not be cured in a short time perfectly, people still can do their best to do acne treatments. The treatment will minimize the effect of acne on the skin.

For mild acne, people can go to the pharmacist to get treatment. They will give some kinds of treatments such as several kinds of cream, or it can be in the form of lotion and gel. It is the common treatment for acne problems, and usually, it takes some time to overcome the issues until it recovers perfectly.

Although the treatment for acne from pharmacists is recommended, people should pay attention to the product ingredients. The safe and common ingredients of acne problem products are benzoyl peroxide, but it must be in a low concentration. More than that, people should be careful because it might be ambiguous with the clothing bleaching.

For severe acne problems, whether it is on the back or chest, antibiotics are recommended for treatment. Or if people go to the specialist, they might give cream as treatment. But it is only distributed under prescription. Furthermore, some people might have allergies to particular antibiotics, so they are suggested to go to the specialist first.

Besides that, severe or moderate acne should get appropriate acne treatments. So that is why people should go to a specialist because the wrong step might cause scarring. The acne treatment usually takes up to three months until it works optimally. Do the treatment patiently and get a full recovery. More than that, people must say no to picking or squeezing the acne, because it will harm and give permanent scars.

Tips and Tricks to Treat Skin with Acne Problem

Acne Treatments, Causes, Tips and Tricks For Dealing With Acne

There are some tips and tricks to treat the skin with acne problems. People can do these individually on a daily. To avoid any harm, they should not wash the acne-affected skin more than twice a day. It is because washing the skin might irritate the skin and cause symptoms to worsen. Then, wash it using a cleanser or mild soap, with leaked warm water.

The important tip is not to pick or clean out the squeeze spot or blackhead, because it might bring permanent scarring to the skin. Besides that, for acne-affected skin, try to avoid putting on much makeup and cosmetics, as it might become worse for the skin. Then, the acne treatments are when it needs to do makeup, and ensure the skin is cleansed optimally before going to bed.

How to Keep the Skin from Acne Problems

Everyone, for sure, does not want to have acne problems in their life. So that is why there are some tips and tricks to keep the skin healthy and far from acne problems. People can do these in their daily life, and although it might have a different effect for each person they can do their best to avoid acne problems.

First, ensure to clean the skin after doing activities during the day. Use the cleanser and wash the face regularly. Then, make sure to take a bath twice a day. These habits are good to keep the skin and face clean before night, and they will minimize the possibility of acne appearing on the skin and are good for acne treatments.

Besides that, take enough rest and balance life to avoid any stress that might cause acne problems. Try to avoid sleeping overnight and overworking. Then, do some exercise regularly, so the body will be fit. Do not forget to eat healthy food and drink a lot of water, so the skin will be healthy as well and avoid acne problems.

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