Having good scalps is probably one of everyone’s dreams. But, many people struggle with dandruff, a white flake on the scalps that causes the itch. Dandruff makes hair looks dirty and somehow embarrassing to deal with. Dandruff may also cause greasy scalps and tingling skin. You can try one of these natural severe dandruff removal to get rid of it.
Home Remedies for Removing Dandruff Naturally
1. Yogurt
Not only delicious and flavourful to eat, yogurt surprisingly helps remove dandruff from the scalp, even the extreme. Removing dandruff by using yogurt is easy. You have to shampoo your hair and apply fresh yogurt to it. Rest it for at least 15 minutes and rinse with water. Then, rewash your hair but don’t use too much shampoo.
Why could yogurt be used for severe dandruff removal? Yogurt contains highly good bacteria. These bacteria help to keep the scalp area from flaking. Also, you can add some black pepper to yogurt to remove dandruff on the scalp. Yogurt and black pepper are a good combination to remove dandruff because they can prevent fungally.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another natural severe dandruff removal is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has lots of health benefits, including for the scalp. If you want to use this on your scalp, add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your shampoo. Another way is you can combine it with essential oils and spray it on your hair.
Apple cider vinegar is good for maintaining scalp health. It is because apple cider vinegar has an acidity that helps stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp. Also, it can balance your pH, so fungal growth and dandruff can be removed. That is why you can try apple cider vinegar when struggling with dandruff.
3. Aloe Vera
Known as a good ingredient for skin and hair, aloe vera also could be used for severe dandruff removal. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, perfect for protecting and removing dandruff on the scalp. It is also good for your skin, which is why many skincare, cosmetics, and even lotions have aloe vera as their main ingredient.
To use aloe vera for dandruff removal, apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp. Then, rest it for at least half an hour. After that, you can wash your scalp by using a mild shampoo. Aloe vera helps to moisturize the scalp and reduce skin irritation. It can also help you eliminate flakiness and itchiness caused by dandruff.
4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has lots of health benefits, including removing dandruff. It is because coconut oil could improve skin hydration and prevent dryness and flakiness. Also, it is an excellent ingredient to prevent dandruff. You can apply coconut oil on the scalp and massage gently. Then, rest it for a few hours and wash it using a little bit of shampoo.
The severe dandruff removal mentioned above can easily be found in everyone’s house. If you don’t have one, you can buy it from the closest store because it is easy to find. Don’t forget to use it regularly so dandruff can be removed and to prevent any dandruff come to your scalp again.